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Participation Information and Contacts

Elementary School Classes

Washoe County School teachers may request the Art Angels volunteers with Sierra Watercolor Society to present a watercolor class to their students in grades three through six. All supplies are provided for the students to have a hands-on painting experience. Supplies include paper, brushes, paints, matting, and more.


Under the direction of Nancy Podewils, with Alice Williams, a volunteer group of artists provides up to two hours of basic watercolor instruction. About 20 minutes of the class are spent in demonstration and discussion of techniques. Then the “magic hour” begins. The students get quiet and begin to concentrate. Imaginations click away. Children can paint any subject they desire. One student said, “Thank you for letting us use our imaginations!”


To schedule Art Angels for your Classroom:

Nancy Podewils, 775-345-6724


Museum Art Classes

Twice a year, in July and December, the SWS Art Angels present art classes for children at the Wilbur D. May Museum. In 2009, a May class will be added. Children ages 7 - 12 are encouraged to attend. Each age group has its own table and art instructor. All supplies are provided. The art instructor will demonstrate techniques for a seasonal appropriate painting. Classes last from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


Children must register before attending. To register, call the Wilbur D. May Museum. Fifty students are welcomed into this program each time it is offered.


To register for the May, July or December Museum Classes: Wilbur D. May Museum

Rancho San Rafael Regional Park

1595 N. Sierra

Reno, Nevada 89503



Art Angel Volunteers

To volunteer with Art Angels Contact:

Alice Williams, 775-825-8527

More about Art Angels


Student Paintings


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