About Sierra Watercolor Society
Our Mission
The mission of the Sierra Watercolor Society (SWS) is to foster, sustain, and increase interest and skills in the art of watermedia painting through the sponsorship of meetings, educational programs, displays, and exhibitions. SWS shares the common love of watermedia among its members and the public, and promotes the attainment and maintenance of a high standard of art by its members.
A Message from the President of SWS
Welcome to the Website of the Sierra Watercolor Society (SWS). SWS is comprised of approximately 190 fun-loving men and women who enjoy sharing their common love of water media through exhibits, workshops, meetings, and volunteering together for the society and our northern Nevada community. We range in skill level from experienced teachers and artists who routinely sell their artwork, to beginning watercolorists desiring to improve their techniques. Our society strives to maintain a safe, non-judgmental, non-critical environment in which members encourage one another in their individual artistic pursuits. Whatever each person’s level of expertise, ALL ARE WELCOME!!
My goal as president of SWS is to arrange for activities which will ignite inspiration and fuel artistic energies in each member. In 2009 – 2010, we will be sponsoring exciting workshops in Reno by renowned artists such as Ted Nuttal, Jack Shields, Mike Bailey, Karen Honaker, Lian Zhen, Jane Hofstetter, Carl Purcell, Betsy Dillard Stroud and others. We are excited to offer this caliber of teaching artists to the community. In addition to teaching workshops, these artists and others, including Larry Jacox and Eileen Fuller, will demonstrate at our general membership meetings.
Ten years ago when funding was lost in the schools for activities such as Art Education, SWS’ “Art Angel Program” was born. Our community service “Art Angel Program” continues to provide art to children in the Washoe County School District at no cost to the schools or students. SWS member instructors and helpers, and all art materials are supplied to offer young students a great watercolor painting experience. SWS and the May Museum also offer 2-3 yearly workshops for children in the community. We are extremely proud of the demand for, and the growing popularity of this respected program in the Truckee Meadows area.
Exhibits, Meetings and Demonstrators, Workshops and other events are in the planning stages. Visit our website often to stay up to date on coming events.
We are very fortunate to have access to a great meeting venue which can accommodate our meetings and demonstrations as well as our workshops. We have ample parking, easy access, restrooms and kitchen facilities available to us.(Map)
We are looking forward to a great 2009 and would love for you to join us. On our homepage, simply click on the “Member Info” tab and follow links for a membership application, meeting information, and other related material.
Sincerely wishing you an exciting year of art and art experiences,
Caren Bechtold President, SWS